Want to try a FREE winter center activity?

Kindergarten Homework BUNDLED – Aligned to CC (English Only)




Original price was: $38.50.Current price is: $20.00.


This HUGE Homework Bundle includes ALL of my monthly Kindergarten homework packets! That is 11 months of homework from August-June with 44 Weekly Homework Packets that you can use your entire school year!

This homework bundle is just what you need to send home effective homework that includes detailed instructions for at home use and involves little to no prep for you! A HUGE time saver!

Each month is broken down into weekly homework packets.

Each homework packet includes:
• The Common Core Standards the homework packet is aligned with.
• Detailed instructions about the homework packet.
• Multiple cover pages to choose from.
• *NEW!* An EDITABLE cover sheet is included.
• 3 literacy and 3 math homework activities.
• Homework Labels

These packets include fun, hands-on, and engaging homework activities that will continue your students growth in learning at home! The detailed instructions allow for easy understanding of the homework packets, which will result in more completed homework and more excitement about homework!

The homework packets have been strategically aligned to cover most (if not all) of the Common Core Standards for Kindergarten!

*Make sure to download the preview to see all that is included!

These activities are also great to use for morning work if you already have a homework system for your classroom!

You can check out my kindergarten homework by month by clicking on the links below:
August Kindergarten Homework
September Kindergarten Homework
October Kindergarten Homework
November Kindergarten Homework
December Kindergarten Homework
January Kindergarten Homework
February Kindergarten Homework
March Kindergarten Homework
April Kindergarten Homework
May Kindergarten Homework
June Kindergarten Homework

I also have my Kindergarten homework bundled with both English & Spanish directions! Click the link below to check that out: Kindergarten Year Long Homework BUNDLED (English & Spanish Directions)

Looking for more homework?

Check out my First Grade Homework Year Long Bundles below:
First Grade Homework Year Long Bundle
First Grade Homework Year Long Bundle (English and Spanish Directions)

You can also check out my Second Grade Homework Year Long Bundle below:
Second Grade Homework Year Long Bundle

Kindergarten Math & Literacy Centers for the Year:
Kindergarten Math & Literacy Centers for the Year Bundle #1 (August-December)
Kindergarten Math & Literacy Centers for the Year Bundle #2 (January-May)
Kindergarten Literacy Centers for the Year
Kindergarten Math Centers for the Year

First Grade Math & Literacy Centers for the Year:
First Grade Math and Literacy Centers Bundle #1 (August- December)
First Grade Math and Literacy Centers Bundle #2 (January-May)
First Grade Literacy Centers for the Year
First Grade Math Centers for the Year



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