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Digital Alphabet Letter Activities



Original price was: $78.00.Current price is: $20.00.


These Digital Alphabet Activities for Google Slides and Seesaw will have students learning all about each letter of the alphabet A-Z in a fun and digitally interactive way.

Each letter included has their very own personalized set of activities. Each letter has 24 slides/activities to work on to learn all about that specific letter.

You can see the Digital Letter Bb Activities in action HERE

Some skills students will be working on for each letter are:

· Letter identification

· Letter formation

· Vocabulary

· Finding the letters

· Initial sounds

· Sorting letters

· Sorting initial sounds

· Reading

· Building letters

· Problem Solving

· Digital letter crafts at the end of each letter (one of my favorite parts!)

· And More!

The great thing about these activities is that you can pick and choose which letter (and even the activities for that letter) you would like to work on with your class, students, and/or child. You can spread the activities out to your liking, use for small group, centers, at home, and so much more!

These Digital Alphabet Activities includes ALL of the letters from A-Z.

You will receive a PDF that will give you access to the activities for both Google Slides and Seesaw. There are detailed directions that I have included on how to download the files and how to use them in Google Slides and Seesaw.

Each letter file is separate for you to pick and choose which letter you would like to focus on.

The vowel sounds included will have both long and short vowels. The letter x includes activities with the initial and ending sound.

You can read more about these digital letter activities on my blog here


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