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Digital Alphabet Activities – Letters A-Z

Let’s talk all about learning the alphabet… with digital letter activities!

I wanted to take some time to share some digital ways to practice the letters for those of you virtually teaching, homeschooling, and in-class learning!

I am so excited to share with you my NEW digital Alphabet Letter Activities.

Preschool Letter Activities - Digital Alphabet

What are the Digital Alphabet Letter Activities?

These alphabet activities will have students learning all about each letter of the alphabet A-Z in a fun and digital interactive way. 

Learning the alphabet is such an important skill and is truly a huge part of your students first year of school. These digital letter activities really dives deep into learning about each letter and covers all the skills for your students and/or child to really master their letters.

Each letter included has their very own personalized set of activities. Each letter has 24 slides/activities to work on to learn all about that specific letter. That is over 600 interactive activities all together!

Preschool Letter Activities - Digital Alphabet from A - I
Preschool Letter Activities - Digital Alphabet  from J - O
Preschool Letter Activities - Digital Alphabet from S - Z

Having personalized activities for each letter will have the students excited to work on the next letter activities because each letter has activities that are so different from the last.

What skills are included?

Your student and/or child will be focusing on:

· Letter identification

· Letter formation

· Vocabulary

· Finding the letters

· Initial sounds 

· Sorting letters

· Sorting initial sounds

· Reading

· Building letters

· Problem Solving

· Digital letter crafts at the end of each letter (one of my favorite parts!)

· And More!

The great thing about these activities is that you can pick and choose which letter (and even the activities for that letter) you would like to work on with your class, students, and/or child. You can spread the activities out to your liking or you can use them all at once! You get to pick and choose what is best for your class, individual students, and you child.

Here is a closer look at the personalized interactive letter activities for each letter A-Z:

Preschool Letter Activities - 24 Slides Included
Preschool Letter Activities - 24 Slides per Letter

How do my students and/or child use these activities?

These letter activities are preloaded to SeeSaw and Google™ Slides. These games can be assigned to your students by their teacher or a parent can download and access them to use at home as well!

You can use these digital activities for independent practice, virtual lesson follow-up, live lessons, assessments, as an independent literacy center option, homework, early finishers, and so much more!

Want to see one of these letters in action?

Click HERE or the image below to see the letter Bb in action:

Thanks so much for stopping by! You can grab these Digital Alphabet Letter Activities on my Website HERE or at my TPT store HERE.

If you have additional questions please reach out to me at aspoonfuloflearning@gmail.com

Have a great rest of your weekend!