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Kindergarten Homework for March

Consistency is an important part of the kindergarten routine during the busy spring months. Using homework for skill review is an easy way to add this consistency to your routine. In this post, I’m going to share some tips, ideas, and printables that you can use to help you plan kindergarten homework for March.

Kindergarten homework for March

Using Kindergarten Homework in March

As the weather continues to warm up, spring fever can become a bit of a classroom management challenge! This is when it’s helpful to rely on familiar learning routines to keep students engaged in important skill practice. Homework can be one of these helpful routines! It allows students to review literacy and math skills with engaging activities that they can complete independently.

Ideas for March Kindergarten Homework

One of the challenges in planning homework for kindergarten students is to choose developmentally appropriate activities. If homework activities are too challenging, this routine can become ineffective for students and frustrating for their families.

I’m going to share some examples of fun seasonal homework activities for March that your students can use for meaningful literacy and math practice.

2D and 3D Shapes

First, students can review two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes with homework printables. By March, kindergarten students have been introduced to both types of shapes and homework activities can give them a chance to review each type. You can even incorporate both 2D and 3D shapes into one activity!

Sorting shapes based on 2D or 3D

That’s what students will do with this St. Patrick’s Day-inspired homework activity. Students will sort different shapes based on whether the shape is two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Once they’ve decided where each shape goes, they will paste it onto the correct pot of gold. The cutting and pasting of the shapes can add some helpful fine motor practice to this activity, as well. 

Number Sense

You can also use a variety of activities to help students keep their number sense skills nice and sharp! From counting to number identification, students have been working hard to understand numbers all year long. A homework routine can help students review these skills, often practicing several skills with one activity.

A gold coin themed number ordering activity

For example, this homework printable invites students to practice number identification, counting, ordering numbers, and number formation in one activity. Students will identify each number, then use their counting skills to identify which number comes before and which comes after. They will then write the numbers in the correct order on the homework sheet.


Homework can also give students plenty of opportunities to practice phonics skills. By March, students have learned many different phonics patterns and it’s important to review them often. Seasonal homework activities can ensure that this repetition is engaging and motivating for students. 

Sorting pictures based on digraphs

For example, students will have so much fun reviewing digraphs with a St. Patrick’s Day twist. Students will cut and paste pictures to the correct rainbow based on the beginning digraph. For some additional fine motor practice, students can color the worksheet after they’re finished with the phonics sort. Engaging phonics activities can help students become more confident and fluent readers.

Word Building

Students can also apply their phonics skills to word-building activities. In this example, students will build CVC words in a three-step process. First, they will say the CVC word by identifying the picture. Then, they will cut and paste letters provided on the worksheet to build the CVC word that matches the picture. Once they have built the word with letter tiles, they can then practice letter formation by writing the CVC word in the space provided. 

Word building activities with a St. Patrick's Daay theme

Sight Words

Finally, homework activities can give students the chance to read sight words with more fluency. Reading words with automaticity takes many different repetitions, so it’s helpful to have a homework routine that gives students this necessary repetition.

A sight word activity with a word search

In this example, students will read the sight words on each rainbow bordering the puzzle. Once they’ve had a chance to review the sight words, they will then look for them in the word search. This is great letter identification practice, as well!

More Ways to Use March Homework Printables

If you don’t have a daily homework routine, you can still use these printable review activities for independent practice during the school day. Here are just a few examples:

  • Morning Work: Since homework activities are designed to be completed with minimal assistance, they are perfect for morning work. Students will be able to work independently on engaging seasonal tasks while they wait for the daily routine to begin.
  • Centers: Homework activities can also be used for literacy and math centers. You can easily target specific skills to make sure that students are getting the additional skill practice they need.
  • Early Finishers: Keep your students engaged in meaningful activities after they finish their work. You can assemble a variety of homework printables into an early finisher packet that students can keep at their desks or in their cubbies. They’ll have engaging seasonal activities to work on while they wait for the next class activity to begin.

No matter how you decide to use these homework printables, your students will benefit from the engaging skill review using fun seasonal activities. It’s a great way to help them keep their skills sharp as the end of the year quickly approaches.

Printable Kindergarten Homework for March

I’d love to help you save some prep time as you plan your homework for March. I have put together a set of printable worksheets that are perfect for your kindergarten homework routine. These activities include a variety of developmentally appropriate review that students can work on at home.

If you’d like to take a closer look at everything included in this resource, you can find it in the A Spoonful of Learning shop or in my TPT store.

March Homework - Click Here to Shop My Website
March Homework - Click Here to Shop My TPT Store

Save These March Homework Ideas

Be sure to save this post if you’d like to come back to it later!! Just add the pin below to your favorite kindergarten board on Pinterest! You’ll be able to quickly find this homework when you’re putting together your March lesson plans.

Kindergarten March Homework