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Classroom Setup Has Begun!

My classroom setup has begun! I am so excited to be back in my classroom! I still have a ways to go, but here are some summer projects that I have worked on and some new setups that I have been looking forward to having in my room.

A fun way to display my objectives for the day! I bought frames from the Dollar Tree and painted them. I bought the letters on each frame from Hobby Lobby and spray painted them gold. I hot glued the letters on the frame. The best part is that you can use a dry erase marker on these frames and they wipe off so easily to reuse each day!


Here is the before picture.


Here is the after picture of the drawers in my classroom!


I will have the students’ math and science notebooks in the drawers as well as their poetry journals.
Below are baskets labeled Whiteboards and Reading Folders. 
In the caddy above the drawers I will be placing glue bottles, dry erase markers, scissors and markers. 


Here is the display of what the tables look like right now. The caddies on their tables will have their crayons, pencils, and space men/girls in it. 
Still have lots to do, but it’s a start! 🙂
I ran into a bit of a dilemma last year.
When you run out of wall space, what to do????….Use the CEILING of course!! Last year I ran out of space on my walls, so I decided to hang LARGE shapes on my ceiling tiles with push pins. On each shape I have displayed the shape name, the number of side, the number of vertices, and anything important about that shape. This is what you see when you walk in to my room:
Here is the view from the students seats: