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Week 2! and FREEBIES!

I can’t believe tomorrow will be the end of the second week of school! It has flown by! I am having so much fun with my class and they truly are the sweetest kids. They have made me laugh so much these past two weeks and really made me see how special and wonderful it is to have the job that I have. I am one lucky lady!
Here are some highlights that we have done so far this week and some FREEBIES!

Math: Lots of practice with our numbers! We are working mainly on numbers 0-5.

Week 2 and FREEBIES
Students wrote numbers 1-4 on this page. They then practiced counting by placing stickers to go with the written number in each box. Grab this number 1-4 page HERE


We also worked on order numbers 0-5. We made a cute caterpillar to go with this!
Click on the HERE to get this caterpillar activity for FREE!
Sight Word: We focused on the sight word “see” this week. 
 -I have two handprints next to my classroom door. Each week I place a new sight word that we are focusing on for the week on these handprints. One handprint is for the girls line and one is for the boys line. Each time we leave the classroom, we give the hand a high five and say the sight word! This is another way to practice the sight word and is LOTS OF FUN for the kids! I noticed a HUGE difference in remembering our sight words last year when I started doing this.


I LOVE hubbardscupboard.org sight word mini readers. This week we used her sight word book called “I See”. This reader was perfect since we focused on the word “I” last week.
I like to write each sentence of the mini reader on a sentence strip along with the picture from the page. We use this to discuss reading basics, reading strategies, sight words, etc. I like to introduce this book at the beginning of the week so that we can refer to it and have it on display all week long! 
I will post a more detailed plan on how I use these as well as a lot of sight word books I have created very soon!
-We finished up the letter “Oo” at the beginning of the week and started working on the letter “Pp”. Here is a chart of our “Pp” words we started. I have students come up to the chart and circle the letter “Pp’s” that they find. (I am not the best artist!!)
We started to learn a couple CVC words this week! We learned the word “mom” and “pop” since we have learned about the letters “Mm”, “Oo”, and “Pp” now. 
We drew a picture of “mom” and the students followed me drawing the picture one step at a time. 
After the drawing, we wrote the word “mom” and circled it in the sentence. Then, we read the sentence together which has the sight word we are focusing on for the week. At the bottom, we cut out the scrambled words and glued them back onto the correct boxes to read the correct sentence, “I see mom”. 
(Here is my picture.)
(Look how great they did on their very first drawing of the year!)
Here is the “pop” picture that we did. I forgot to take a picture of the kids work! Sorry!
We also did lots of tracing pages for the letters “Oo” and “Pp” that also worked on beginning sounds practice. You can get these pages by clicking on the picture below:
We also read my Letter Books: “My ‘Pp’ Book” and “My ‘Oo’ Book”. 
Students circled the letters we were focusing on in the books. They also echo read, choral read, independently read, and partner read these books. 
This made my week: One of my students came up to me today and said, “Mrs. Miller, I can read! You taught me how to read! My mom will be so proud of me!” My heart melted! 
Click on the picture below to get these books! 

Something to Share:
-I have this book to introduce a lot of the adults that my students will see around the school: Principal, Teacher Leader, Secretary, Nurse, Custodians, Lunch Ladies, Counselor, Specials Teachers, etc.

Each page talks about what their job is at our school. I also put their picture on the page so that they know who they are. The last page of the book is me! I didn’t post the pictures of the other teachers on this blog, but I posted my page to show you what this looks like. I place this book in the classroom library and the student LOVE to read it all year long!



I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!