Want to try a FREE winter center activity?

Spring Literacy and Math Centers (BUNDLED) Aligned to the CC





These Spring themed centers BUNDLED are packed with TONS of hands-on, interactive, and engaging Math and Literacy activities! They are a perfect addition for your kindergarten classroom and have tons of fun activities to last you well throughout spring! This bundle includes 38 Center Activities!! (21 Math and 17 Literacy Activities)

Each Math and Literacy center activity is aligned to the Common Core and includes:
• ‘I Can’ kid friendly posters for students
• Recording sheets for student accountability
• The Common Core Standards that each activity is aligned to

*Make sure to download the preview to see what is all included!

Here are some brief descriptions of the activities included as well as the Common Core standards:

• Raining Beginning Sounds (RF.K.3.C, L.K.1.A)- Identify the beginning sound of a word/picture.
• A Nest of Middle Vowels (RF.K.3.B, L.K.1.A)- Determine the middle short vowel sound of a CVC word/picture.
• A Tulip of Ending Sound (RF.K.3.A, L.K.1.A)- Identify the ending sound of a word/picture.
• Mystery Blends (RF.K.3.A, L.K.1.A)- Match the beginning blend sound letters to the picture.
• Ants are Marching CVC Words (RF.K.3.A, RF.K.2.D, L.K.1.A)- Sound out and build CVC words to go with the picture.
• Blooming Word Families (RF.K.2.C, RF.K.3.A, RF.K.3.D)- Identify different word families to match the picture.
• Secret CVC Words (RF.K.3.A, RF.K.2.D, L.K.1.A)- Use a decoding key to spell and read secret CVC words.
• Sentence Unscramble (RF.K.1, RF.K.3.C, L.K.1.A, L.K.2)- Put words in the correct order to make a complete sentence.
• Beginning and Ending Sounds (RF.K.3.A, L.K.1.A)- Identify the beginning and ending sound of a word/picture.
• I Can Read! (RF.K.4)- Read short sentences and match the picture that goes with the sentence they read.
• Digraphs on a Log (RF.K.2.D)- Identify pictures with a beginning or ending digraph sound. (ch, th, sh, wh)
• Clip a Rhyme (RF.K.2.A)- Find rhyming pictures.
• Watering Words (RF.K.3.A, RF.K.2.D, L.K.1.A)-Read and match CCVC/CVCC words to the picture.
• It’s Raining Sight Words (RF.K.3.C, L.K.1.A)- Spell different sight words using rain drop letters. (40 different sight words for you to choose from and you can add your own too!)
• A Garden of CVCe Words (RF.K.2, RF.K.3.B, RF.K.3.D, L.K.1.A)- Sound out and build CVCe words to go with the picture.
• Tweeting Long Vowels (RF.K.3.B, L.K.1.A)- Sort pictures by long vowels sounds.
• Real or Nonsense (RF.K.3.B, L.K.1.A)-Determine if words they build are real or nonsense.

• Swatting Those Sum (K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2, K.OA.A.5)- Solve addition equations.
• Addition Stories (K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2, K.OA.A.5)- Read simple short addition stories, act them out with pictures, and write addition equation to go with the stories.
• Buzzing to the Honey (K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2, K.OA.A.5)- Solve subtraction equations by acting them out with bees on a subtraction mat.
• Cross it Out Subtraction (K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2, K.OA.A.5)- Use pictures to determine and solve different subtraction equations.
• A Buggy Comparison (K.CC.A.1, K.CC.C.6)- Compare groups of pictures on a mat.
• Crawling Numbers (K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4)- Show numbers 1-20 in a variety of ways.
• Counting On (K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.2, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5)- Start at a given number and count on using pictures.
• Spinning 3D Shapes (K.G.A.1, K.G.B.4)- Identify different 3D shapes in the environment.
• Build a Flower (K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2, K.OA.A.5)- Solve addition and subtraction equations to build a flower.
• Ducks in Order (K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.2, K.CC.A.3)- Put a set numbers in the correct order.
• Building Teen Numbers (K.CC.A.3, K.NBT.A.1)- Match base ten blocks as well as tens and ones to a given number.
• Buggy Base Ten Blocks (K.CC.A.3, K.NBT.A.1)- Count base ten blocks to determine the number.
• Counting in the Rain (K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.3)- Put the numbers 1-20 or 1-30 in order on number mats.
• Counting By Two (K.CC.A.1)- Put number cards in order counting by two from 2-20.
• Counting By Five (K.CC.A.1)- Put number cards in order counting by five from 5-50 or 5-100.
• Counting By Ten (K.CC.A.1)- Put number cards in order counting by ten from 10-100.
• A Counting House (K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.2, K.CC.A.3)- Determine the number that come before and after a given number.
• Sort and Graph (K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5, K.MD.A.2, K.MD.B.3)- Sort different pictures, count the groups, and fill in information on the groups they sorted.
• Race to the Flowers (K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2, K.OA.A.5)- A fun game where players are racing to get to the end first to win! They will solve addition and/or subtraction equations to move forward. There will be some bumps and bonuses along the way!
• A Bundle of Patterns (AB, ABC, AAB, ABB Patterns)- Continue and create different kinds of patterns.
• Counting Honey Bees (K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5)- Count out objects to show numbers 1-10 or 11-20.

Don’t forget to download the preview to see all that is included!

SAVE BIG with my Math and Literacy Centers 2 Parts MEGA BUNDLE!!
Math and Literacy Centers Part 1 of 2 Year BUNDLED
Math and Literacy Centers Part 2 of 2 Year BUNDLED

If you don’t need this bundled, you can grab these centers separately!
Spring Math Centers
Spring Literacy Centers

You can check out my other Monthly Math and Literacy Centers Bundled below:
August: Back to School Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
September: Fall Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
October: Halloween Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
November: November Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
December: December Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
January: Winter Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
February: February Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
March: March Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
April: Spring Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)
May/June/July: Summer Math and Literacy Centers (Bundled)

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First Grade Math & Literacy Centers for the Year:
First Grade Math and Literacy Centers Bundle #1 (Growing Bundle)
First Grade Literacy Centers for the Year (Growing Bundle)
First Grade Math Centers for the Year (Growing Bundle)


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