Want to try a FREE winter center activity?

October Centers – First Grade

Happy October!! I can’t believe we are already rolling into this new month! It is officially fall even though it does not feel like it at all here in Kansas! I am ready for all things fall!

Now that October is here, I wanted to give you all a closer look at my October First Grade Math and Literacy Centers.

October Centers - 20  Math and Literacy Activities

Now that classroom routines are becoming more established and students are getting the hang of routines and classroom expectations, this is the month that I really see students become independent and on task with their centers time. It is the time of year where centers becomes part of the daily routine and not so much time dedicated to procedures and expectations. As you know it is my favorite part of the day and my students too!

These October centers includes 20 center activities (10 Literacy and 10 Math Activities). A lot of the activities included have multiple options for you to choose from and to differentiate with. You can check my centers here.

October Centers - 10 Literacy Center

Let’s get these centers rolling!

CCVC Words: Students say the picture name next to the fence and build the CCVC word using the letters on the pumpkins.
October Centers 1
CVC Words: Students match CVC words to the correct pictures.
October Centers 2
ABC Order: Students choose 3 top pieces of candy corn from a bag. They will say each picture name and place the 3 pictures in alphabetical order on the mat.
(**Choose from pictures with words or without words.)
October Centers 3
Beginning Blends: Students will match the beginning blend to the correct picture on the mat. A mystery picture will be revealed when all of the blends are placed on to the correct pictures.
(**2 different puzzles included)
October Centers 4
Short and Long Vowels: Students will say the picture name on the pumpkins. They will determine if it has a long or short vowel and place the pumpkin on the wagon with the long or short vowel sound.
October Centers 5
Rhyming Sentences: Students will read the first part of a sentence and determine the second part to make it a complete rhyming sentence. (**10 different sentences included)
October Centers 6
Sight Words: Students will choose a sight word card and read the word on the card. If they read it correctly they will roll the dice and move that many spaces forward. There are bumps and bonuses along the way! (**There are also blank cards included for you to write sight words of your choice)
October Centers 7
Syllables: Students will sort pictures by how many syllables the picture name has.
October Centers 8
Sequencing: Students will read a story and sequence pictures that go along with the story.
(*There are 4 different sequencing stories included)
October Centers 9
**You can also choose from just a sequencing mat without the story attached.
October Centers 10
Sentence Unscramble: Students will put words in the correct order to make a complete sentence.
October Centers 11
Addition: Students will use a work mat to act out and solve different addition equations.
October Centers - Math Center
Subtraction: Students will use a work mat to act out and solve different subtraction equations.
October Centers - 12
Place Value: Students will count the base ten blocks, find the matching number, and determine how many tens and ones there are.
October Centers - 13
Time: Students will match the time to the hour on the spider to the correct clock.
October Centers - 14
Number Order: Students will look at the given numbers and place the owls in the correct order from least to greatest.
October Centers - 15
Addition and Subtraction Stories: Students will read a short addition and/or subtraction story and act it out on the mat. (**Below is an example of the addition stories)
**Below is an example of the subtraction stories.
You can choose to use addition stories, subtraction stories, or you can use both!
Number Bonds: Students will determine the missing part by acting it out with candy corn (or any manipulative) on the work mat.
**Below is an example of finding the missing part.
**Below is an example of finding the missing whole.
(Choose from finding the missing part or the missing whole. Both are included.)
Addition and Subtraction Bingo: Students will solve different addition and subtraction equations and cover the answer on their bingo cards. The first to get 4 in a row horizontally, vertically,
or diagonally wins!
(**Choose from addition cards, subtraction cards, or you can mix them both together.)
Sort and Graph: Students will sort different pictures into the correct category to create a graph. They will fill out data to go with the graph that they built.
(**Included are 3 different sets of pictures to sort. There are also 2 different data sheets to choose from for each graph).
Skip Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s: Students will count to determine the pattern and place the missing number on the last sunflower stem.
What is all included in these October Centers?
• ‘I Can’ kid friendly posters for student independence.
• Recording sheets for student accountability.
• Detailed how to use and prep directions.
• Easy to prep activities.
• Answer Keys
You can grab these October Math and Literacy Centers at my TPT Store by clicking on the
pictures below.
Don’t need both October Literacy and Math Centers? Click on the pictures below to get them separately.
I have also bundled ALL of my First Grade Monthly Math and Literacy Centers in many different ways below. You can click on the picture to check them out. 
Thank you so much for stopping by! Happy October everyone!! Have a wonderful week!
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