Want to try a FREE winter center activity?

Number Hats!

I LOVE teaching numbers!! At the beginning of the school year, I do a HUGE focus on numbers. I teach all about one number each week and really like to break each number down. I like to teach my students about how you can show a number in a variety of ways! I decided to create something that would celebrate all of the students new learning about a number. I have made Number Hats 1-10!!

Number Hats!

I plan on having my students make these hats after we have learned about a number all week. They will be a fun, stylish, effective, and super cute way to celebrate our new learning!

These Number Hats are FULL of different ways to show a number! Students will get to practice writing the number, the number word, number identification, counting pictures, coloring the correct number of pictures, showing the number on a number line, in a ten frame, on dice, with tallies, addition equations, and MORE!!

There are 4 different hats that I have designed for you to choose from. Students will also get a strip of 6 pictures and will glue only the 4 pictures that show the number on the front of their hat.

I have also made different versions of the pictures that you can choose from or even better, you can use the different version to DIFFERENTIATE! 🙂

The hats are also very easy to assemble and your students will get to put almost the entire hat together on their own. All you need to do is staple the bands together!

Each number hat will have the students coloring or rainbow writing a large number. Depending on the design, your students will color the correct number of pictures and make the correct number of hops on a number line to show the number.

Next, they will trace the number and number word on the band with pencil, crayons, or markers.

They will get a strip of different pictures and only glue the pictures on the front of their hat that show the number. As I mentioned above, I have created different versions of these pictures for you to choose from or for you to use to differentiate this activity.




Last, your students will put these hats together and I have included step-by-step and picture-by-picture directions for this.

Here is a look at 4 different designs and versions of these number hats:










You can grab these fun and interactive Number Hats at my TPT Store or you can click on the picture below to grab them.