A new month usually means a new holiday is around the corner and Easter will be here before we know it! You may have stumbled upon my Easter math and literacy activities, but today I wanted to share with you some free Easter craft ideas.

I am always looking for an opportunity to make a craft! You may or may not love crafts, but I promise that the benefits of doing them with your students will make you want to add them to your weekly or monthly planning. Let me tell you why!
Crafts in the Classroom
I absolutely love and encourage using crafts in the classroom, but I must say that I was not always like this. I knew that so much time goes into prepping crafts and to be honest that alone made me never really want to do the crafts in the classroom.
I slowly started to add a craft here and there and instantly began seeing so many amazing benefits!
What Happens When You Do Crafts in the Classroom?
First of all, the amount of pride my students would have when completing a craft melted my heart. Their hard work went into making the craft and they are so proud to show it off!
Second, my students started to become better at using scissors. Once their fine motor skills strengthened, I didn’t have to prep all of the craft pieces. This was a game-changer! Students enjoyed cutting out the pieces by themselves and all I had to do was provide the templates on colored paper.
Third, student independence grew so much! Students eventually get to the point where I just need to model what to do once and then they make the entire craft independently and at their own pace. Once they build this independence, I am able to layout the different templates, and students get what they need when they are ready.
Last, there are so many incredible benefits for students as learners when making crafts in the classroom. I explain even more about the benefits of crafts in the classroom here.
3D Bunny Craft
Now let’s get to those Easter craft ideas!
I have 2 Easter craft ideas to share with you! The first Easter craft is a 3D bunny.

What I love about this craft is that the entire craft is on one page! You can make it with copy paper, construction paper, or cardstock.
Here is a look at this 3D bunny craft being made.

There are even more details on how to make this easy and adorable Easter craft with step-by-step directions. You can grab this 3D Bunny Craft for FREE below:
Easter Bunny Basket
The second of two Easter craft ideas that I am sharing with you is an Easter Bunny basket. Students get to make an Easter Bunny out of paper plates. These paper plates turn into a basket that students can use to place plastic Easter eggs that they find!

I am going to show you in detail how to make this adorable basket!
Step 1: Each basket will need 3 paper plates.

Step 2: Place the eyes, nose, mouth, and whiskers on one of the paper plates. You can grab these templates for free HERE.

Step 3: Take the second plate and draw 2 rounded lines that you will cut out for the ears. You can see the lines I made below. Cut out the ears on the lines that you made.

Step 4: Glue the inner ears template to the inside of the paper plate ears. **If you didn’t grab these free templates on Step 2, you can grab them HERE.

Step 5: Staple the ears to the top of the plate that you made the bunny face on.

Step 6: Now you will be making the back of the basket. Take the 3rd plate and make one curved line. You can see the line that I made below. Cut that piece off of the plate.

Step 7: Place this plate on the back of the bunny’s face. Staple both plates together on the edges.

Step 8: Place 2 holes in the corners of the back of the basket plate with a hole puncher.

Step 9: Give students a long piece of string or ribbon to tie into the holes.

Step 10: Add fake grass to the basket. You can get this grass for cheap at Walmart, Dollar Tree, and Target.

Step 11: Have a surprise Easter egg hunt in your classroom or outside and have students place the plastic eggs that they find in their basket.

Save These Free Easter Craft Ideas for Later
Do you enjoy making crafts in your classroom? I would love to hear! Leave me a comment below and share with me!

Be sure to save these Easter craft ideas to your favorite Pinterest board so that you can come back any time for some FREE Easter crafts that you can add to your classroom or home this Easter!
Did You Grab these Free Easter Craft Ideas?
In case you missed it, you can grab the 3D Bunny craft below:
Don’t forget about this Easter craft too!
You can grab the templates for the Easter Bunny Basket HERE.