Want to try a FREE winter center activity?

Free Apple Centers for Kindergarten

As the weather cools down, it’s always fun to bring a touch of fall fun to the daily routine. One of my favorite seasonal themes for fall is apples! If you’re planning some of your own apple fun for your classroom this fall, you’ll definitely want to check out these free apple centers for kindergarten!

Apple Centers Free Download

6 Free Apple Centers for Kindergarten

These apple centers include both literacy and math practice that are aligned with curriculum standards. They are also hands-on and engaging, which will keep your students motivated to practice these skills!

1. Basket of Apples Letter Match

This apple activity is perfect for the beginning of the school year when students are working hard to master letter identification.

Matching uppercase and lowercase Nn

In this activity, students will match uppercase letter cards with lowercase letter cards. After finding the match, they can record the letter pairs on a recording sheet.  This also gives them an opportunity to practice letter formation and fine motor skills!

2. Apple Tree CVC Words

As students begin to practice word building and blending sounds to form words, this CVC word apple center will come in handy! 

Spelling the word "sun" by placing apple letter cards on a tree.

Students will choose an apple basket card with a fun picture. Students will say the picture name, identify the sounds they hear, and then use the apple letter cards to spell the CVC word on the apple tree. Once students have identified all of the sounds, they will write the word they built on a recording sheet.

3. A Basket of Sight Words

This fun apple activity will help students practice identifying and building sight words! Students will choose an empty apple basket that has a high frequency word written on it. After identifying the word, students will find apple letter cards to build the word.  They can also write the word on a recording sheet.

Arranging apple letter cards to spell the word "the"

This activity comes with 24 words to choose from. It also has blank baskets and apples for you to fill in, so your students can practice any other words you’d like them to focus on!

4. All About Numbers

You can also bring the apple theme to number sense practice! In this activity, students will be collecting apple seeds as they learn more about numbers.  Each apple seed has a different way to represent numbers: Fingers, ten frame, dice, and unit cubes. Students will match the apple seeds to the number on the task card.

Apple seeds contain different representations of the number 5

Students can also use a recording sheet to document the different ways to show each number. This recording sheet could also be used as a standalone activity for number sense review! The recording sheets for this activity are grouped by numbers 1-5 and 6-10, so you can choose to use one or both depending on what works best in your classroom.

5. Counting Apple Seeds

For even more fun with apple seeds, students can complete this center for counting practice!  Students will practice one-to-one correspondence as they match the two halves of an apple card. One half has a group of apple seeds while the other has a number between one and ten.

Matching a card with 6 apple seeds to a card with the numeral 6

After finding a match, students will color in the correct number of seeds on the recording sheet. The cards for this activity can also be repurposed as a matching game! Students can flip over the cards and try to find matches. This is a great way for students to stay engaged in the center activity until it’s time to switch stations.

6. Apple Picking

This fun game can be played with two or more students, so this is a great small group activity! Students will take turns rolling dice, counting the dots, and then removing the corresponding numbered apple card from the tree. The game continues until all apples have been moved from the tree to the basket. If a student rolls a number that has already been removed from the tree, it is the next person’s turn. 

Dice, apple cards, and an apple tree game mat

This is a fun open-ended activity, since students can put the cards back on the tree and play again if there is time left over. This activity can be played using one or two dice, depending on which numbers you’d like students to practice.

More Ways to Use Apple Centers Activities

The best part about fall centers activities is that you can use them during whatever part of your daily routine works best for you! 

  • Morning Work: You can have these activities available in your table groups to get students warmed up for a day of learning! Each activity comes with an illustrated “I Can” instruction card, so they can get right to work with minimal directions from you!
  • Small Group Instruction: If you are targeting specific skills with a small group, you can use these activities as a warm-up for your instruction.  These are also great to keep in your small group teaching area to use if you have a little bit of extra time!
  • Fast Finishers: Do you have a set of activities handy for students who finish their work early? Add some of these free apple centers to the mix!

Grab These Kindergarten Apple Centers for Free!

Would you like to use these apple activities in your kindergarten classroom? You can find them in one easy-to-download freebie!  Each activity includes all of the task cards you need, along with recording sheets and an illustrated “I Can” direction card. To take a closer look at everything included in this free download, head on over to the A Spoonful of Learning Shop or TPT.

Examples of the 6 apple themed center activities included in this freebie.

Save These Free Apple Centers for Kindergarten

If you’d like to find these free apple centers later, be sure to save this post!  Just add the pin below to your favorite teaching board on Pinterest.  You’ll be able to quickly find this post when you’re looking for apple activities to use in your classroom.

Free Apple Centers for Kindergarten