I am so happy that you stopped by and have taken the time to learn about me! I am a Kindergarten teacher and absolutely LOVE teaching! I have always wanted to be a teacher since I can remember. My family jokes with me that my life is: eat, sleep, TEACH! I love it though!
I have been teaching for 12 years and I have taught Kindergarten, 1st, and 3rd grade. I really enjoyed teaching each of those grades! I feel so lucky to be a teacher and get to be around such amazing children every day. There is no job more rewarding than teaching!
I am a mom of 2 amazing children and I have the most wonderful husband who is so helpful and understanding about the extra time I put into sharing my passion. He is also the best helper and really good at cutting out laminate.

I love sharing ideas and learning from others. I hope you can browse through my website and get lots of idea for your classroom! I look forward to all the things I will be learning in this journey as wel