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Sight Word Flip Book

Sight Word Flip Book

Sight words sight words sight words! What more can I say! They are so important for beginning readers and we focus on them A LOT in kindergarten. I am always trying to come up with fun new ways for my students to practice their sight words. I have created a sight word flip book that students can work with on their own, with a partner, and can even be used during guided reading groups! Students earn stickers for each sight word they learn. I really noticed a HUGE difference in my students learning and remembering their sight words this past year. This flip book is fun and gives them confidence!

Sight Word Flip Book
Click on any of the pictures to get this sight word flip book at my TPT store 🙂

Each book has 79 sight words.  Don’t worry, I do not start my students with ALL 79 sight words in their book. I like to start with the easier sight words that we focus on at the beginning of the year and slowly add more pages to their sight word book as a student is ready for more pages to be added. The nice thing about this book is that each students book might be a little different than another students book because some might have more pages than another. This is all okay because we are meeting that particular child’s needs! Next to the sight words are small boxes. During small reading groups, I will go over some of the words with a couple students and place a sticker in the box next to the words they know. They get so excited for those stickers! I add more pages to their flip book with more words once they are getting close to learning all of the words they have.

How to make: 

-Print out all of the pages.

Sight Word Flip Book 1

-Cut the pages in half and then leave about a 1/2″ margin around the dotted lines. 

Sight Word Flip Book 2

-Laminate the pages (I only do this for durability and because I am laminator crazy!)

-Cut out the pages from the laminate.
-Choose which pages you will be using for which students and hole punch the corner and hold them together with a metal ring.

Click on any of the pictures to get this sight word flip book at my TPT store 🙂


How I Use:
-I keep these sight word flip books in baskets that are color coordinated for each table. If a student is finished with their work early, they can get their sight word flip book and practice saying the words to themselves or with the person sitting next to them. (I always have them continue to practice the words that earned a sticker). 

-I also use these during our Monitored Independent Reading time. During this time I am conferencing with a student on their reading, the other students can read a book or practice their sight words in this sight word flip book.

-I check their sight words during small reading groups. I do admit that I do not check every day and only get to a couple students when I do check. Stickers take a little bit of time, but the students love them and feel so proud of themselves when they earn them. (Unfortunately there is just not enough time in the day!)